
we made it.

We're here-in Ft. Collins, trailer, van, and car unloaded....thanks, Ben and Lisa!! Pax's clothes are unpacked, our room is about 1/2 way- but at least our bed is set up! The couch is in our "living room", along with our rug-Pax was very happy to see his things! Although he's been freaking out whenever Daddy goes to the car with boxes or to get them- figures it means he's leaving, and he better make a break for the car! I'll post pictures of our "suite" in a few days...when things are a bit more settled. Just wanted to let you all know we're here, we're safe, and thank everyone SO MUCH for the help with packing the house and trailer. It was a loooooooong day yesterday (once again, thank you Lobmeyers for the DVD player!!), so we're turning in early tonight! Thanks for all your love and prayers!


3 years!

Today is our 3rd wedding anniversary...not much to those who have been married 20 or 30 or 40 years, but to us-it's pretty exciting! Crazy how fast these past 3 years have gone...sometimes it feels like just yesterday we got married, and sometimes it feels like we've been married waaaaay longer than 3 years! To commemorate this wonderful day in our family history, here are some pics from the last 3 years....unfortunetly, the discs with the wedding pics are already packed. So you get the everyday ones!

The night before Adam proposed....

On our honeymoon...New Year's Eve, 2006, with Grant and Paula....September 28th, 2007...Pax came Oct. 2nd!
Kauai, Setember 2008...ahhh, palm trees!Indiana, October 2008, at the coolest orchard ever!

photoshoot at the bakery with Jan, Janurary 2009 ....

Pax's "bye-bye bottle party, April 2009....Such great memories! Happy Anniversary, my love! I love being on this adventure with you!


Thankful Thursday

It's a beautiful spring day here in D-town...80 degrees, sunny, with just a little breeze...pretty darn close to perfect! There are so many things I could list today...I've been thinking about this a lot lately...but here are a few:

1) The beautiful aspen trees outside my front windows. We get to watch them change during the year...this past week or so they've put out beautiful bright green leaves...what gorgeous light they let in during the afternoons!

2) Toddlers. They are so much fun! and sometimes, like today, I need to be remined of that (thanks friend :). The fits and defiant "Mo!!" (no) simply mean he's learning to be independant, which, after all, is one of the end-goals of child rearing...and the sweet snuggles, giggles, and tickles more than make up for it.

3) Great friends who don't mind if we call them in the middle of a date because we lost both sets of car keys, and not only come to our rescue but also buy us ice cream :)

4) Moms. My mom, my mother-in-law, women who naturally mother everyone around them, the mom-friends I have around me...It's amazing to see what motherhood brings out in a woman.

5) My popcorn maker. It's so fun!! And much yummier than popcorn from a microwave, in my opinion.

6) 2 more weeks to sing on the worship team.

7) Great kids who switch work schedules, skip awards banquets, and show up at youth group because they know we are leaving soon, and want to see us as much as they can. I'm going to miss you guys....

8) Books. I love, love, love to read...

9) soft chocolate chip cookies. seriously, who invented these babies?? Let's give 'em a medal! ...or at least a chocolate chip cookie.

10) My husband. For so many reasons...thank you, Lord, for blessing me with him. He went out of his way to make mother's day special, simply because he cares that much...and I feel so loved.


The last...

So many of these coming up. The last trip to Farmtown. The last "burger night" at the Palace. The last time we had company in our little apartment (other than those who will help us pack...). The last Wednesday A will be speaking at theWELL...that's tonight, by the way. The last coffee with Sarah. And more are coming. The last WELL. The last coffee with Ashley. The last walk with the girls. The last time I'll sing with the worship team here. The last, the last, the last....we've been "leaving" for so long (6 months! that now that it's actually HERE it seems a little surreal. 2 weeks before A and I got married, it was prophesied that we needed to "put down roots" here. At the time, we weren't thrilled to hear this...we wanted to leave after I graduated college and were looking for some "direction". (which, in hind sight, we got, but it wasn't what we'd thought it would be....) Now, for the past month or so, I've been looking at my world here in D-town through the eyes of one who "is leaving". And I've seen how many little roots we've put down here...how many life-changing friendships we've made here...how much we've shared and grown and loved here...and how much it's going to ache when we pull those little roots up. I was thinking about the stage at the church (random, I know) and how many HUGE life moments it's witnessed in the past years... I led my first worship song on that stage. A and I got engaged on that stage. 2 weeks before we married, Dw announced that it was the last time Miss Kristin Woods would be singing...but that Mrs. Bleger would be back in a few weeks! I felt my little son dance and kick as I sang and he grew inside me on that stage, until I had to retire to the seats a month before he was born. Most recently, we said goodbye to great friends on that stage...and soon it will be our turn. This is just one example, of course...I'm so very excited for this next season in our lives. But oh, my dear Durango friends, how I will miss not seeing you all every week!! Thank you for your dear friendships, for all the fun, silly, and serious times we've had, for sharing your lives with us and being a part of ours...for helping me through being the new girl in town, a new wife, being on staff, having a new baby. I have learned and grown so much from my friendships with you. You ARE my roots here, so much a part of who have become I can't cut you off or dig you out of my life. So...I guess that means you have no choice but to come along with me, at least in my heart. I am so glad that I have put down roots here. I can't say the last goodbye...never is there a last goodbye. It will only be see you later..because you have become a part of me.