
What would you do...

...if you knew you couldn't fail? One of my Fac*book buddies had this as her status today. It truly made me think. Know what my first thought was? "I'm doing them,". Or, at least, I'm doing a lot of them. Not perfectly. Not exactly the way that I had envisioned them. Not without the possibility of failure, and, along with that, more than a little motivation, and a lot of room for improvement. But I have a secret :

I can do all things thru CHRIST who strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13...my life verses, by the way, since I was 12. And believe me, the "all things" has included some doozys!)

So I listen. I pray. I freak out inside about how crazy scary some of the things my God is asking me (and us, because my marriage and family are two things I definitly would put on the list). And then....

*deep breath!*

I take the first step. and the second. and the third....

What about you? What are the dreams and passions inside of you waiting to break out, except for the fear of failure that keeps them bottled up inside? What is God asking you to do about it?

.......What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

1 comment:

Kimberly Beach said...

I have this posted above my desk at church. It always makes me stop and think. Too many times we let excuses - age, time, money - replace God's grace.

What a thought - to live each day with the expectation of success and not failure!

That's our God.