
Babylove: a look back at 37 weeks.

Hi Babylove...No picture this week. At least, not yet. The day isn't over, so it could still happen. It's been a crazy couple of weeks, littlest boy. You're causing all kinds of trouble...and you're not even here yet! Two weeks ago, I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid. Didn't exactly find a leak, although they say you might have pinched my bag & then it could've resealed...don't really know how that works. Either way, I still had low fluid levels, so you and I spent several hours in the hospital that day...and now go for twice weekly fluid checks. Thank goodness for Grammy, or your brother and sister might be going crazy by now.
 The next week, I couldn't keep anything (I mean not even water) down for about 36 hours. So I called to see what I should do; mainly to find out if my being dehydrated would affect YOUR fluids. Turns out, it does. Or did. Whatever. Anyways, it meant that I went back to L&D, only to be told soon after that they couldn't let me go home because your levels were too low...If I'd been a few days further along, they probably would've induced me the next day and we'd be snuggling you right now. Which, I gotta admit, I wouldn't have minded at all! Except I was so sick I don't know how I would have made it through labor. Instead, I spent the night with an IV for fluids, a dose of Zofran (for nausea...amazing.), and 2 monitors hooked up to me. I listened to your heartbeat all night :). We both were SO much better the next morning...your heartrate had been a bit low before the fluids, you weren't moving much. I felt-well-not good. After an hour or so of fluids, your heartrate was back up where it normally is and you were wiggling like crazy! Amazing what 16 hours of IV fluids can do for you (and me!). They let me go home around noon the next day, since they were able to get your fluids up; which I was super happy about because otherwise we'd have been spending another day and night in the hospital until I got far enough along for the doc to induce me without having to have the approval of a perinatologist. I'd MUCH rather be at home with your Daddy and brother and sister (and your Grammy...thank goodness for Grammy!). Wednesday I felt pretty good until the Zofran wore off...Thursday I started throwing up again. Friday your fluids looked good still (yay!), and the doc gave me a prescription for some anti-nausea medicine (double yay!) so I can now keep food down, although I have random bouts of sickness and if I forget a pill....well.  I'd lost 3 pounds since last Monday, and on top of not gaining anything the week before (due to more puking...seriously, kid, this is getting old!) they weren't too happy. Now-we're just waiting for you to decide to come out. As of Friday I was dilated to a 3, over 50% effaced, with lots more contractions this weekend. Right now I feel as if I may never actually go into labor-I'll just be walking along and you'll fall out. I love you, little guy, and I'm SO happy you're ok and we're both feeling better-but could we end this soon, please? Seriously, any time would be fantastic. You can come out now.....please?

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