Is 8 months old already. 8 months. I can't even believe it. Actually, she's 8 months and 8 days, today. But who's counting?
weighs just a smidgen over 14 pounds
and is not quite 25 inches long.
She's a peanut.
But she's super strong...been standing holding onto tables and couches for a couple of months already, with a toy in one had...she pulls herself up and flips and rolls all over the world, although she isn't full-on crawling yet.
She looks an unbelievable amount like I did as a baby. I'll try to scan some pictures and post them, to prove it.
She says "heeey", "hi", "dada" (what is that? BOTH my kids said dada long before mama..), "dog" (again...why do both my children learn this word before mama??) "all done" (although it's more like "a duh" with the signs to go along) and, today, she said "this". She sings and boogies along to any music she hears. She adores her big brother, and no one can make her giggle quite as fast as he can. Or cry quite as fast as he can. She won't touch pureed baby food-never would-or baby cereal; but grind up some "people food"and she's all over it. Pot roast veggies, spaghetti, black beans, sweet potato name it, the kid eats it. Don't ask me how she stays so teeny; the girl eats more than her brother does.
She is turning into her brother, in terms of nursing...which means if there is ANY distraction, it's..well, not fun for me. Let's just put it that way.
But she's sweet and snuggly and flirty and smiley and just a wee bit clingy...which took us by surprise, after Pax. She smiles at everyone but needs a few minutes to warm up from our arms before she'll let you hold her. And the nursery at church? Well, let's just say we're working on it. Another complete shock after Mr. See-Ya-Later-Mom!
She has her mama's eyes (they're even starting to turn green!) and her daddy's mouth and her brother's grin.
She is so beautiful.
She is so sweet.
and we can't imagine our lives without her.
See the progression? That's what happens when your brother loves you not gently, but too well!
1 comment:
Oh how I love that precious princess! Give her big kisses for me - I miss her already!
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