
Mother's (Birth)day

This is my husband.

This is my mother, with my daughter.

This is my husband and son playing catch with my father, using Adam's birthday presents-new baseball gloves for the big one and the little one.

This is one of my favorite pictures ever of my son playing catch with my husband and my father. {see the tongue?}

This is how we spent part of Mother's Day, which also happened to be my husband's birthday this year.

{This post is very, very late}
My husband was actually born on Mother's Day...pretty good present, huh? Aside from the whole being-in-labor bit.
This is my father sweeping, although I promise he wasn't doing this all day. He just managed to mostly evade the camera.

The rest of the day was spent barbecueing with my brother and sister-in-law and eating pie, which I didn't take any pictures of. Possibly because I was too busy eating it...my mom makes a gooooood pie.

I am so thankful for my mother and the sacrifices, love, and patience she has poured into me over the years...I don't think you can ever fully understand all your parents did for you growing up until you become a parent yourself. And I am so thankful that, on Mother's Day 28 years ago, my mother-in-law gave birth to her own gift--because he is a blessing to me, abundantly and overwhelmingly, every day of the year.
Including Mother's Day.
and what were my presents this year, you ask?
I got to sleep in-'till 6:45. {hey, you take what you can get!!}
I got to get ready all by myself, in a quite house.
I got Starbucks brought home to me and crepes waiting on the table when I came down to breakfast.
I got a beautiful bouquet of tulips carried in by a small son who crowed, "Happy Mother's Day!! ...you're supposed to be sleeping!"
I got sweet baby snuggles from a tiny, curly-haired little dollie, sandwiched between her daddy and me.
And I got a gift card to Targ*t to buy myself new summer sandals.
Does it get any better than that??


1 comment:

Lou said...

Holy moly pax is huge!! He has grown so much!! That is insane.
So glad you guys are enjoying the summer sun, and the opportunity for a delicious barbecue!