

A couple of years ago, before we ever attended the church we're at now or even heard of Family Matters or Grace-Based Parenting, Adam came up with a definition of love, based on our faith. Then we found it  written out in a book more articulately than we could ever put it...

           the commitment of my will to your needs and best interests, regardless of the cost.
                                                                                          -Tim Kimmel, Family Matters

I am so thankful that my husband is a questioner, a man who will chew and wrestle and pray about an idea or an issue and will not let go until God has answered him. And I love what this has done for our marriage and our family. (plus...how cute was that baby??)

1 comment:

Megan said...

So great. This is exactly what we are learning right now! Love it :) And, yes, the baby is AMAZINGLY cute!!! :) Love you.