
1000 words.

I know there's been a lot of pics of this little princess lately-but that's because she's the most enthusiastic about the camera at this point! I love being her mama. I love the late-night "Mama, can we just talk? Girls, well, they need to talk more than boys, you know." Which is true! Especially for her...my folks took all the kids out to eat once last winter and the boys fell asleep while she talked all.the.way.home. My mom said to me, "You know how most women have 5,000 words a day? I'm pretty sure she has 50,000!" it's so, so true-and something we've come to love about her. We have some very, very interesting talks after I put Pax to bed with a few songs and an "I love you, Pax." ("Ok," is his response to that....)

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