
Lady in Waiting

yup, that's me right now...and guess what? I am very, very bad at waiting. Always have been. I was born two weeks early-should've tipped my mom off when both of the other two came three days late. I. Am. Not. Patient. Although I have gotten better. Prayed God would develop patience in me several years ago...then I found out I was pregnant with #1 (who says God doesn't have a sense of humor??). My husband, a MUCH more patient person than I am, gives me a hard time because occasionally I burn things in the oven...because I cooked it on broil, not bake. And then forgot about it. Guess what? I don't like to wait! He cannot understand this. Drives him nuts. Which probably means that I am driving him nuts right about now...I'm what I like to affectiatly call " uber-pregnant " right now. 39 weeks tommorow..my due date is a week from today (no, I don't understand that, either), the 20th. Adam starts school the 19th. hurry up, hurry up, c'mon, kid, just come out already!! I actually thought I WAS in labor Monday night...sigh. Well, at least Adam and I got to play Wii for awhile while we waited to see if it was THE REAL THING. And guess what? I'm pretty good, even during contractions! For those of you who care to know, I'm progressing... about 3 cm dilated, somewhere a bit over 50 % effaced, baby's head is at -2 and getting lower (pretty sure by the second...but that could be just me overreacting to the 90 million times I pee a day), everything is soft and ready to go, had some promising signs of imminent labor...just no baby yet. I know, I know, I still have a week to go...and every day she's in there is another day for her lungs to develop, her organs to mature...I would just LOVE it if I didn't have to call Adam out of a chemistry lab to take me to the hospital. Or if he didn't have to worry about studying his notes for the next day's quiz while I'm in the hospital. What can I say? I was spoiled the last time...my hubby got to be home for a full week, no worries. Lord, give me patience...wait. Is that the right thing to pray? At least help me not to drive my family(and myself!) crazy before this baby comes.

1 comment:

Kimberly Beach said...

Congrats on your growing family! So cool. Our love to all of you. Yesterday, I thought I saw Pax in Wal Mart and it made me miss him so much! Thankfully the other little guy stopped and talked with me, too. But I'd rather see Pax dance!