
The Tale of a Dresser. Or, How to Make a Nesting Mama Happy.

             Once Upon a Time, there was a dresser. Just an ordinary dresser, given to a young couple by her parents when they no longer needed it. The young couple DID need it, and were grateful...and the young wife kept thinking to herself, "One of these days, I'm gonna re-do that dresser!"
                          There wasn't really anything wrong with it. It was just, well, a bit outdated.
Fast forward a few years. The young couple moved to a new state...and in the process of moving and then sitting in storage for 4 months, the dresser received a huge gash across its top.
(It's kinda hard to see in this picture, but look at the top left area...the gash was at least 1/4 in. deep, too.)
 Since the dresser now HAD to be re-done in order to be useable attractive at all  appealing as bedroom furniture; the wife began to plan. And the husband began to sand.
And the children were put in a cage until the project was completed (KIDDING!! we don't have a cage in our yard...just a little trampoline B got for her birthday from my parents. They love it.)
The wife tried to help with the sanding; but after a half-hour one afternoon which gave her some lovely contractions, she decided to wait on her husband to finish. So she waited each day while he was at work....rather impatiently, albeit silently. She was mostly just happy that the dresser was being sanded.
Finally, the wife went to that wonderful, big orange store and bought a paint sample can of grey paint for $2.47. This made the wife very, very happy.
                                 And then the painting began...which also made her very happy.
(I think this face is genetic...although she is MUCH cuter when she makes it!)
   The wife had been having some more lovely contractions that day; but decided that either she was just going to feel this way for the rest of her pregnancy, or the baby was really going to come early...in which case she'd very much like to have the dresser finished. So she painted. And then she and the husband grabbed some sand paper, and distressed the dresser a bit. And painted the once-bronzeish feet bright red, cause that's just fun.
      And then the husband muscled the dresser upstairs by himself somehow (mostly), and they put it in its place; and that made the wife very happy, too. The wife likes to think that the dresser is also pretty happy with it's new look.
Very happy, indeed.  

1 comment:

Rica said...

The dresses looks great! When i was preggers in my nesting phase i redid a dresser too :)