
Diary of a (pre) Med Student('s wife). (a bit of a ramble.)

I'm sitting at the kitchen table, doin' what we do...which means Adam is studying (Physics 2 this time, in case you were wondering), and I'm blogging, doing laundry, looking on Pinterest, organizing tommorow in my head, jumping up every little bit to do some little thing I'd forgotten...at least, this time around that's what our evenings look like. Now that I can keep my eyes open past 8pm and I'm in the stage of baby-hood where you ask yourself, do I go to bed now or wait until after I feed the baby at 10?? Ahhh, the 10pm feeding. Gotta love it! At least it gives me a little extra face time with my hubs these days, even if we aren't actually talking to each other. I mean, we are talking to each other-just not right now. Pax pooped outside a couple of weeks ago. Yes, my 4 1/2 year old. Who has been potty trained for 2 years. And whom I had JUST told NOT to poop outside, because I saw him doing the "potty dance" in our tiny blow-up pool. Guess I should've thought something other than "oh, how sweet!" when I saw him sitting in the middle of a mud puddle. How did I find out? "Mama, I pooped." Well...at least he admitted it. Although I would've figured it out pretty quickly when I stepped out onto the porch and saw flies massed around the poop HE HAD SCOOPED OUT of the puddle and smeared on the pourch. AND crammed into the spray nozzle. Why?? I have no idea. Ew.Ew.Ew.Ew.Ew Along with some serious youtakehiminsidebecauseifIdoitwon'tbepretty! And then the next night he pooped in the tub and shoved it down the drain. WHY?!? Well, that time it was because he saw Adam rinse one of little brother's diapers out in the tub. Big difference between breastfeeding newborn poop and 4 1/2 year old poop, buddy, if you didn't know.... So I made him scrub the tub. Why yes, I do believe in natural consequenses! And I'm really really over poop for awhile. My laptop's ac addaptor died, and I have about 6 days of Pinterest pictures uploaded onto it. So until the new cord gets here, our fun little summer project is on hold; and no posts with pictures...not a bad thing, just different. The kids and I are headed to my folks' next week for 2 weeks while Adam finishes his class-it's truly the best solution for all of us when he has finals. He's so incredibly good at being present when he's home,that husband of mine- but sometimes he just needs to buckle down and study and this gives him the freedom to do that. Plus we have fun seeing family and friends and being somewhere that's not 100 degrees...my kids may freeze, actually. I know for sure they're both REALLY excited that they might get to wear snuggly pants (sweats) and hoodies. We've learned a lot throught this whole process...you might think it's just his thing, being in school; and maybe if we didn't have a family it would be-but the way it is now, it HAS to be a team effort. All of it. Or it just doesn't work well. And we HAVE to depend on God'd grace every day, or it really isn't pretty. The beautiful part is discovering again, every day, the holiness of the mundane and the grace that infuses it-we just have to step into it, accept it. That doesn't mean it's always EASY, but it is always good, somehow, someway, as God weaves it all together. Sometimes I feel like I'm on the underside of the blanket or cross stitch or whatever it is that's being woven-it just looks (and feels) like a tangled mess some days. Not to my Lord, though. He's on the upside looking down as he weaves-He can see the beauty of the pattern and knows exactly what it will look like when it's done. We, Adam and I both, are so very thankful that He's got the end in sight and we just have to listen and live in His plan for us... Because sometimes, I really really can't see how the poop on the pourch fits into it all.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Beautiful: "The holiness of the mundane and the grace that infuses it." You're so right, it HAS to be a team effort. It makes it bearable. I love your family. So much.