
Who are you, again?

You know it's been a long day when you find yourself googling "2 year old discipline" at naptime. Yes, my sweet little girlie succumbed to two-year-old-ness. Awhile ago, actually. And, just FYI, two-year-old girl is very, very different than two-year-old boy. Very. Lots more crying, and screaming, and fits over I'm not even sure what most of the time...did I mention she's also incredibly smart and strong willed? She's known how to push her brother's buttons since she was about 11 months old, but man...the girl can dish it out. She's even figured out the fine art of verbal manipulation ("I don't love you, Pax," "That's not your window, Pax,") which just blows me away 'cause although I'm female and I do have my moments, I
a) am NOT very dramatic and
b) don't go in for the verbal manipulation thing. At all.
   My sweet girlie...well,  she can't take it when her brother pushes her buttons, which leads to...you guessed it! More crying, screaming, hitting, biting (she left a mark this morning!) etc.Really, I'm kind of out of ideas. I've tried all the things I used with her brother when he was in the middle of his two-ness..and a few other things, as well. Thus the Googling. Then I had an absolutely genius idea. Seriously. ready for it???..... I think I just need to ask my friends what they've done with their own girlies. Amazing, eh? **disclaimer: I love my sweet girlie. Totally and absolultly-and waaaaay too much to let her grow up to be the kind of mean girl who knows she can throw a tantrum and get her way. So. I'm asking. We need some advice here, people. Share the love....it takes a village, right? Anyone have any success stories for super smart, super strong willed, super fit throwing two year old girls??

....aaaaand on a completely unrelated note...is it just me, or is the resemblence here uncanny??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Lordy. Don't I know all about this one?!?!?!

I wish.

I'm still trying to figure your middle niece out.

But one of he best encouragements I've ever received was reading Dobson's "Strong Willed Child". It's a great reminder that, in the midst of the really hard days, you are raising a world-changer. And that's a good thing.