
Thankful Thursday

I have a pretty sick kiddo today...well, he's been sick all week, but last night started running a fever and has a nasty cold and is also developing allergies at the same time...there's a lot of snot at my house right now. Want to come over?? Anyways, I'm pretty sure all my thankfuls this week have to do with....

-Modern medicine. Baby Tylenol doesn't fix the baby, but it does make life a whole lot easier on all of us!

-a smart, medically minded husband. I had to go tutor this afternoon while Pax's temp was pretty high...Adam stripped him and put him in the tub to cool him down. Much better (and easier!) than trying to hold a wet washcloth on a toddler's forehead (ha!).

-to be able to stay at home with my sick kiddo. Not all moms have this option...it's so nice to be the one to snuggle him and take care of him when he's sick.

-for BEAUTIFUL weather. We had a picnic dinner at the park, just to get out, and it was so nice to be out in the sunshine...

-for ears to hear a sweet little boy voice say, "Mama. Ei Ei Ei Ei....quack quack MOOOOO!" (Pax's version of "Old Macdonald") and "Mama. Whooooo Whoooo!!" (after hearing the train whistle) "Mama. See car? MMMRRhhhhh!"(that's a car noise...) and "Mama. Daadee?" (this means, hey mom, where's dad?) I think the fact that he feels it necessary to get my attention at the start of every sentence quite funny...maybe we do this to him to much??

-For a dedicated husband who works hard at everything he does.

-For The Best Ever Cookie Book...it does, indeed, have some of the best cookie recipes EVER!!

-For my cousin Janell. I miss her like crazy, but am so thankful for telephones so we can still talk!


Jill said...

You do a great job writing what Pax is saying. I can almost hear his sweet voice.

I'm thankful for you guys and all that you do. You're great friends and great parents! Praying that your little guy feels better soon.

Unknown said...

So sad that my little man is not well! But they are still so precious when they're sick. I can't wait to hear his singing - I'm sure it's just as beautiful as his mommy's! Love you!

Megan said...

Yay! Love your thankfuls! Love you!

Glimmerchick - Unplugged said...

I too love to hear how he is communicating with his Mommy and am thrilled at how well Adam handles the sick boy. :) I can't help but think about how much we are going to miss you and your sweet sweet family. I have to say it now... because it's on my heart and I don't get to hang with you that often :) lv u girl! - jen