

Last night, driving home from a picnic, Pax wanted to play a little game.
"You Pax, I Mama," ok. We play this little game a lot...although usually he wants to be Daddy. I start to play along.

Me :"Mama, I have a potty cookie? Mama, I have M&M's? Mama, I have chocolate milk? Mama, I have ice cream??" pretending to be my wheeling-and-dealing 2 year old.

Pax: "Nope."

Yup, that's pretty much it. Ask me for oranges and apples, kid, you'll get all the "yes!" you want! right. Like that's gonna happen...ahhhh, to hear yourself through the mouth of your child.

1 comment:

Miss. Jinny said...

Thank is so funny! :) I love him! :)