
Thankful Tuesday

Yes, I know it's usually Thankful Thursdays...but not this week!! My husband is downstairs cleaning up after dinner; I'm "putting the baby to bed,". I really did just put her down, but I HAVE to let you guys know...HE GOT THE JOB!!! The medically-related, leaves-time-for-school-and-pays-well job I've been praying VERY specifically for the past few months...Thank You, Lord!!! I seriously wanted to start jumping up and down with joy when I heard the message on A's voicemail!.....ok, break's over...more later...but now, back to our regularly scheduled program (aka bedtime) :)

Praise God!! He is good, all the time! And thank you, friends, for praying with us!


Jo said...

That is awesome!!!!!:):):):):) All praise to Him!

Kim said...

Yeah! I love to hear of answered prayers! God is so good.

I've been reminded lately - He is always working on our behalf. And He loves to do it!

Unknown said...

Woohoo!!!! We were so excited to hear the news! Words cannot express how excited we are for you! Love you guys!

Jill said...

Yea yea yea! Happy day. So glad to see how God works things out. I love that! Thank you Jesus for your love of details!

Megan said...

Woo hoo! So happy for you guys friend. God is mind-blowingly good :) Love you.