
30 days of Pinterest: day 2

The kids LOVED the moon sand, needless to say. Pax asked the next day if we could make it again...which we couldn't because I didn't have any more baby oil. BUT I told him I had another fun activity to do and that we would make the "sand" again another day. He was good with that.  So, after Blaise's doctor's appointment (he was 8lbs. 10 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long...growing fast!! My biggest baby yet, seeing as the other two were in maybe the 5th percentile and he's in the 25th...and just had another growth spurt the past 2 days. Seriously, he looks so huge to me now. Can't imagine giving birth to a baby that big!), we headed to the #2 park (which used to be the #1 park because it's closer, but is now the #2 park because he likes the other one better. Logic, folks.) and started the hunt. This is what I did early that morning, after breakfast and a little quite time...see, there are advantages to 5am feedings! Pax was all over it and ran around like crazy collecting our "treasures"; B ran after him for a couple of minutes, then went to play. I would've done the hunt with them (original plan), but the little dude wanted to eat. I'm good, but I'm not that good. That's also why this is the only picture of the hunt I got...it's Pax dragging a giant tree branch over. He found it for his "Furry" item.
We're still working on that...but the good news is, we'll have lots of time to practice because this is an easy one to switch up and re-use! He loved it, and I think B will too if I do it with them next time. I'd also planned to collect the things, bring them home, and paste them onto some paper or something...maybe next time. I'm really loving this-it's a simple way to give my kids a fun activity each day that is-to them at least-new and exciting. And I LOVE watching their explorations and joy! And I made a new Pinterest board just for the things we do for this (I'm sure it'll grow beyond that, eventually) so I know which ones we've done and liked, as well as letting the kiddos pick out a few they think look like fun for later-which Pax did this morning. Love that I can organize my organization....online, at least :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

Your 30 days of pinterest is inspiring me...I haven't given in to pinterest because I am afraid it will suck me in but on the other hand I need to be inspired and have others be creative for me as I am not. Creativity is not my strong suit. So maybe I shall have to venture in and be inspired. Cautiously.... Good job mama!